Camino de santiago aragones pdf

There are 3 bus services per day to the somport pass. We are in week 5 of what for now is a 6 week state of emergency weeks 34 the economy was put in hibernation this took advantage of the easter week holidays of thursday and friday thus only applying to 8 work days, only essential workers could go to work. Unfortunately dara died very young and far too early a year later. This way is about 315 km long and can be completed in more or less ten days. The towns through which the way passes, the partial km, the total km, wether there is a hostel. There is an amigos association for the camino aragones. Peregrinatio compostellana, pilgrimage of compostela. This was the route followed by king alfonso ii the chaste in the 9th century, from the city of oviedo, in the asturias region, to santiago. After the table of the itinerary you will find the link to download the document in pdf format so you can print it or take it wherever you want. The cathedral of san pedro apostol is one of the oldest cathedrals in spain. Foi descrito xa en 15 no codex calixtinus, libro fundamental xacobeo. Co paso dos seculos e os avatares politicos e relixiosos europeos, o itinerario fisico do camino frances perdeu peso especifico. Hi all, i live in spain and all my family in the usa keep asking me about spain easing up restrictions and this is not quite the truth. The citadel of jaca from the 16th century is also worth a visit.